Friday, May 10, 2013

Hi Ya’ll! Thank you for checking out my very first Blog!! For those that know me, this is a VERY Big deal! I have never been one to enjoy writing and frankly, I am not very good at it! So fair warning, posts will possibly include misspelled words and bad grammar but hopefully you will be able to read past those and enjoy the content!

So... you may ask, why is she starting a blog if she hates to write and can’t spell….well….good question! Back in 2010 I met my “Prince” charming. We had a whirl wind courtship and after dating for just a few months he popped the question and I became Mrs. Prince. During the first year of our marriage I had gallbladder surgery and became pregnant with our first son, Martin.  Twenty months after giving birth to Martin we had Mason. SO, needless to say the first three years of our marriage have been a little crazy! Because life is moving so fast I felt like I was "forgetting" memories! After reading several of my friends blogs I decided this would be a great way to document all the fun and crazy things happening in our family! PLUS just a few short weeks ago I launched my own business, Prince Design. I LOVE to make things! So why not try to make a little $$ doing what I love! And what better way to show off my custom creations then in blog! So that's why I have jumped on the blog train!

If you want to follow our crazy and fun family adventures and learn a little about my obsession with crafts and DIY projects then hop on the Monogram Mama and her Prince's Blog train and enjoy the ride!

Until next time, happy crafting!

Oh Wait!! I couldn't possibly end this post with out giving a shout out and a BIG thank you to my dear friend Courtney Frye for encouraging me to start this blog and helping me come up with such a cute name! (At least I think its cute!!) Thanks Sweet Friend!!

                                            My Sweet Family-No...that's not our horse.
                                            He just decided he wanted to join our family picture!

                                           My Sweet Sweet boys!!

Check out my new business!! Prince Design!


  1. So happy for you! I can't wait to read all of your stories!

  2. YAY for the blog! So excited for this! Even more of a glimpse into your crazy, beautiful, crafty life! Love you to pieces!
